Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism

type: Article

One key project in the fight against antisemitism is to establish a nationwide reporting system to record antisemitic incidents, in particular those that do not constitute a criminal offence. To carry out this civil-society project in cooperation with the federal states, the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism (Bundesverband RIAS e.V.) was founded in Berlin in October 2018 . RIAS receives funding from the budget of the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight Against Antisemitism, who also serves as the patron of the organisation. Additional funding in the coming years will be provided from the budget of "Living Democracy!" ("Demokratie leben"), a programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

While the federal states will be in charge of creating the local offices for reporting incidents, RIAS is intended to assist in creating the reporting system and maintaining uniform standards.

The aim is to use standard categories for recording incidents to ensure that data are comparable nationwide, thereby helping to reduce the number of unreported incidents. The insights gained in this way can round out the information already available to the police and help to get a more realistic picture of the development of antisemitism in Germany. The new system is intended to make it easier for victims to report antisemitic incidents, including those which do not constitute a criminal offence. Incidents occurring anywhere in Germany are documented using the standard form on the website Report Antisemitism. The incidents recorded here are used to develop targeted prevention measures. Victims can also choose to receive information about assistance and counselling services.